The study objective is to analyze the story of Zacchaeus found in Luke 19:1-10 from the perspective of disability. Publicans, rich people, short bodies, and sinners are images of Zacchaeus' characterization. He is identified with a negative image, disliked by society because of his work and social status, and isolated from many people, including his religious and political social role. A disability-postcolonial interpretation approach will help researchers overcome the negative stigma attached to Zacchaeus' self-identity. This pro-justice approach will guide us to objectively look at the negative self-image, social realism, social, political, and ideological religious forces that construct Zacchaeus in religion's sacred texts. It is a new approach to analyzing the power of the dominant ideology against weak people who are negatively characterized. As a result, the assumption of short body physiognomy as a characteristic and one's low spirituality is not appropriate to measure; the absence of physical healing as the medical model approach indicates that the problem of disability is not only a personal matter but a problem of social relations. Jesus' presence in the house of Zacchaeus was a symbol of accessibility and inclusivity for all.
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