This article analyzes the story of the creation of source Y in Genesis 2:4b-25 from ecological perspective. One of the main problems of natural destruction in climate change is that humans consider themselves outside of creation and become the center of all creation. Through this perspective, nature is seen only as an object that benefits to humans so that the profit-based concept played by capitalistic economy becomes central to human welfare. This welfare only involves humans and the welfare of nature is sacrificed for the sake of humans. This paper uses the historical-critical method combined with an ecological perspective to look at the story of the creation of source Y and explore the ecological values contained in it. As a result, the story of Y's creation has a strong ecological dimension where the shared prosperity between nature and humans must be maintained like prosperity in the garden of Eden. Ecological reading is needed to create a holistic perspective on life and to have a positive impact on efforts to prevent the climate crisis.
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