The basis of the relationship between superiors and subordinates is mutual need. This will create a climate of harmony between the two, away from conflict. However, the fact is that there are conflicts between superiors and subordinates that lead to violence committed by superiors/employers against their subordinates. This shows that relationships are the aspect of power. This case happened to Hagar, as recorded in Genesis 16:1-16. Hagar, a servant, was abused by her mistress, Sarai. Hagar's attitude of belittling Sarai, because she was pregnant triggered the violence. Sarai, who was hurt and suffering, used her authority to oppress Hagar. This study aims to analyze the relationship between power relations and the violence experienced by Hagar in Genesis 16:1-16. The qualitative method used in this research is based on a pure literature study with a sociocultural approach. Based on the study's results, it was found that the prevailing culture triggered the abuse of power that had a violent impact on Hagar at that time and Sarai's emotions over Hagar's humiliation.
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