This paper is a study of the cross of Christ. This research was conducted to answer every skepticism and ridicule from internal and external churches towards the cross of Christ. This research uses qualitative research, especially literature review. As for the results of his research, it was found that every accusation and oblique assumption of the cross was refuted through this research. Because through research it was found that the cross is proof that God is faithful to every promise, the cross cannot stand alone and will be important if it is associated with the person or person of Jesus who was crucified to replace sinful humans. Then lastly, the cross is the identity of every follower of Christ, especially in terms of suffering.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Adi Putra, Filmon Berek, Yane Henderina Keluanan, Sri Dwi Harti, Gunar Sahari, Charisal B. S. Manu, Nurliani Siregar
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