BONAFIDE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> SEKOLAH TINGGI TEOLOGI INJILI SETIA SIAU en-US BONAFIDE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen 2722-4473 CONTEXTUALIZATION OF THE USE OF CAMPURSARI IN CHURCH WORSHIP: CASE STUDY OF GKJ KENALAN MAGELANG <p><em>Music has been used in worship since the beginning of worship itself. Through music, man expresses his feelings, supplications, and faith in God in a more beautiful way than just spoken words. Music gives a new dimension to the worshippers' involvement and its ability to attract the listener's attention. This study aims to find and explain the benefits and functions of campursari music as an accompaniment in worship at the Javanese Christian Church (GKJ) Kenalan, Magelang. The method used in this study uses case studies with observations of phenomena that occur in congregations and accidental approaches to informants and is supported by the results of previous literature reviews as comparison material in the observed phenomena. This approach is expected to explain how contextualized church music in the form of campursari music becomes a means to attract and bring church music closer to local culture in which congregations find a medium of expression that suits their cultural background and talents, as well as a form of cultural preservation efforts and markers of GKJ's identity in Javanese culture. Thus, campursari music in the church has the following benefits: 1) as an effort for the church to preserve Javanese culture. 2) to provide new freshness in worship, and 3) to maintain the identity of GKJ Kenalan in Javanese Culture.</em></p> Andreas Kurniawan Purnomo Verry Willyam Copyright (c) 2023 Andreas Kurniawan Purnomo, Verry Willyam 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 177 197 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.191 REVIEWING GENESIS 22:1-19: DOES GOD REALLY ALLOW VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN? <p><em>The different images of God in the Old Testament and New Testaments have long been scrutinised. This has resulted in the assertion that the God of the Old Testament favours evil, genocide, murder, etc., whereas the God of the New Testament (in the form of Jesus) is a loving and forgiving God. This article aims to show that God basically does not allow violence against [creation], in this case children, despite the many texts in the Old Testament (one of which is the sacrifice of Isaac) that have this connotation. The findings of this article also vary, ranging from the finding that there is a possibility that the story of Isaac's sacrifice did not happen historically to Abraham's belief that Isaac would still be the son God promised him, so he did not hesitate to sacrifice Isaac. Some [further] findings are also presented in this article, such as the finding of God's tendency to avoid Abraham and Isaac when delivering sacrifices, the possibility that God misused his authority, to the opening of further discussion about how Abraham and Isaac's relationship after they returned home. All of this is presented to show that reading just one text and concluding that God is an evil God is a wrong approach to reading.</em></p> Carel Hot Asi Siburian Copyright (c) 2023 Carel Hot Asi Siburian 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 198 217 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.151 REVELATION 20:1-10 AND MILLENNIALISM: A HERMENEUTICAL AND CANONICAL EVALUATION <p>Revelation 20:1-10 is the only text that explicitly speaks of The Millennial Kingdom but has given rise to three main Millennial views: Premillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Amillennialism. This paper intends to carry out a critical evaluation of these three views. The method used is a literature study with a descriptive-evaluative approach from a hermeneutical and canonical perspective. It can be concluded that the Amillennialism view is more persuasive to adhere to, although it is not without difficulties.</p> Deky Hidnas Yan Nggadas Copyright (c) 2023 Deky Hidnas Yan Nggadas 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 218 238 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.210 THE VALUE OF EMPATHY IN LUKE 10:25-37 AND ITS SIGNIFICANCE FOR PEOPLE WHO EXPERIENCE MENTAL HEALTH DISORDERS <p><em>This research examines the role of empathy in the context of mental health, specifically through the lens of the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10:25-37. With increasing cases of depression and mental health disorders in Indonesia, including in North Sulawesi, this research highlights the importance of social support and environmental awareness for individuals with mental health disorders. This research uses the literature study method to analyze data from various relevant literature. The research results show that the empathy shown by the Samaritan in the parable is an example of real and universal love, which transcends the boundaries of social differences and identity. This research confirms that churches have a responsibility to be practically involved in the mental health struggles of their congregation, by showing concrete love and empathy. This is in line with church teachings about love which must be manifested in reality in everyday life.</em></p> Elsye Esterina Londo Copyright (c) 2023 Elsye Esterina Londo 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 239 256 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.178 CLAIM OF CHRIST'S EXCLUSIVITY IN THE CONTEXT OF RELIGIOUS PLURALITY IN INDONESIA <p><em>The claim of Christ's exclusivity is a fundamental teaching that differentiates Christianity from other religions as well as a challenge for Christians who live amidst religious pluralism in Indonesia. This research aims to explore the meaning of the claim of Christ's exclusivity amidst religious plurality. The method used is a literature study. The results of the research show that Christian soteriology is a Christian teaching that can be proven historically. A loving God redeems and saves sinners through the great work of His death and resurrection. Jesus Christ is the only way and condition for salvation and reconciliation between His people and God. </em></p> Ivoni Arisandi Kristina Koanak Copyright (c) 2023 Ivoni Arisandi Kristina Koanak 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 257 274 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.200 TEACHING PROFESSIONALLY WITH DIVINE AUTHORITY BY REFLECTING ON JESUS ​​AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION FOR TODAY'S TEACHERS <p><em>The current era of knowledge and technology development demands high-quality educational services to nurture the lives of students. This places a significant responsibility on Christian religious education teachers (PAK) to continually enhance their academic knowledge and teaching skills, while also emphasizing the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit, as exemplified by Jesus in all His teaching activities. This literature review will elaborate on Christian religious education and its relationship with the formation of Christian faith and morals, as well as the theological foundation of the teaching task and calling. Based on inductive research into the Gospels, it can be concluded that the teaching activities of Jesus Christ can serve as a model and example for contemporary Christian educators and Christian religious education teachers. He taught professionally, employing various creative, diverse, and contextually relevant methods and approaches to engage His audience and achieve holistic learning outcomes, encompassing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. He taught with divine authority and credibility, and His life aligned with His teachings. In summary, contemporary Christian educators, including Christian religious education teachers, can draw inspiration from the teaching practices of Jesus Christ, striving to teach professionally, creatively, and authentically, and to lead lives that reflect the teachings they impart, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the holistic development of their students' faith and morals.</em></p> Swandriyani Hudianto Kalis Stevanus Tan Lie-Lie Copyright (c) 2023 Swandriyani Hudianto, Kalis Stevanus, Tan Lie-Lie 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 275 294 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.139 PSYCHO-HOMILETICS: BUILDING SELF-CONFIDENCE THEOLOGY STUDENTS IN PREACHING <p><em>This research is based on a psycho-Homiletic review to find a homiletic learning formulation that builds self confidence for students as beginner preachers with a psychological approach. This concept is based on a framework of thinking that the main goal of Homiletic learning includes the theoretical ability of students to understand the principles of compiling sermon material based on God's word and being able to present this material with confidence, and ultimately create an effective and quality sermon. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with a literature review approach, namely the elaboration of some literature related to the subject matter of the study of the concept of homiletics and self-confidence in preaching. The result is the discovery of a psycho-homiletic formulation that includes spiritual, psychological, and physical aspects which simultaneously builds one's self-confidence in preaching.</em></p> Karlitu Dias Markes Hengky Wijaya Copyright (c) 2023 Karlitu Dias Markes, Hengky Wijaya 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 295 320 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.167 IMPLICATIONS OF JESUS' ROLE FOR MOBILE TEACHER AND INDEPENDENT LEARNING <p><em>This study aims to explore teacher mobilization and independent learning as an educational model initiated by Nadiem Makarim as the Minister of Education and Culture to improve the quality of education in Indonesia which is very concerning. Qualitative methods and literature studies are used to inventory various sources such as books and journals. Then, the data obtained and related to the driving teacher, the role of Jesus, independent learning and the industrial era 4.0 are analyzed in depth. In the meantime, it was found that the semantics of the driving and independent learning teacher had been carried out by Jesus. In fact, as a Great Teacher with the title Rabbi, He is a Teacher who liberates physically, psychologically and spiritually. So it was concluded that educational concepts and policies should be actualized through the implications of Jesus' role as initiator, innovator, facilitator, motivator and communicator who are effective and oriented towards driving and independent learning in the industrial era 4.0.</em></p> Ivo Sastri Rukua Jeffrit Kalprianus Ismail Sensius Amon Karlau Copyright (c) 2023 Ivo Sastri Rukua, Jeffrit Kalprianus Ismail, Sensius Amon Karlau 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 321 350 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.146 THE INFLUENCE OF GADGETS ON STUDENTS' LEARNING MOTIVATION AT STATE PRIVATE MIDDLE SCHOOL 1 SIAU WEST SOUTH <p><em>The use of gadgets among students of SMP Negeri 1 Siau Barat Selatan is a witness to change in student learning behavior and technological advances. This research aims to explore this, focusing on the negative impact of gadget use on students' learning motivation. This research identifies gadget usage patterns, analyzes their impact on learning motivation, and presents recommendations for more effective management in educational environments. The research method used was quantitative, involving students from South West Siau 1 Middle School as samples. The research results show that gadget use tends to be intense, involving many students in various activities. Data analysis shows a negative relationship between the intensity of gadget use and student learning motivation. Factors such as distraction, dependence on social media, and lack of time management are the main causes of low learning motivation. The rationale for this research was built by referring to the theory of learning motivation, the theory of the use of technology in education, and the theory of adolescent development. The proposed hypothesis strengthens the finding that the intensity of gadget use is negatively correlated with the level of student learning motivation. This research contributes to an in-depth understanding and treatment of the impact of gadget use in educational contexts. It is hoped that the findings of this research can guide educational institutions, parents, students, and future researchers in managing the use of gadgets so that they do not hinder students' learning motivation.</em></p> Anggris Oktavianus Katiandagho Copyright (c) 2023 Anggris Oktavianus Katiandagho 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 4 2 351 368 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.211 HAGAR THE OPPRESSED: POWER-RELATIONS ANALYSIS IN GENESIS 16:1-16 <p><em>The basis of the relationship between superiors and subordinates is mutual need. This will create a climate of harmony between the two, away from conflict. However, the fact is that there are conflicts between superiors and subordinates that lead to violence committed by superiors/employers against their subordinates. This shows that relationships are the aspect of power. This case happened to Hagar, as recorded in Genesis 16:1-16. Hagar, a servant, was abused by her mistress, Sarai. Hagar's attitude of belittling Sarai, because she was pregnant triggered the violence.&nbsp; Sarai, who was hurt and suffering, used her authority to oppress Hagar. This study aims to analyze the relationship between power relations and the violence experienced by Hagar in Genesis 16:1-16. The qualitative method used in this research is based on a pure literature study with a sociocultural approach. Based on the study's results, it was found that the prevailing culture triggered the abuse of power that had a violent impact on Hagar at that time and Sarai's emotions over Hagar's humiliation.</em></p> Muryati Muryati Copyright (c) 2023 Muryati Muryati 2023-12-28 2023-12-28 4 2 369 391 10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.181