• Swandriyani Hudianto IPH Schools Surabaya
  • Kalis Stevanus Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Tawangmangu
  • Tan Lie-Lie Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Anugrah Indonesia, Surabaya
Keywords: Christian education, Professional, Divine authority, Example, Jesus


The current era of knowledge and technology development demands high-quality educational services to nurture the lives of students. This places a significant responsibility on Christian religious education teachers (PAK) to continually enhance their academic knowledge and teaching skills, while also emphasizing the importance of being filled with the Holy Spirit, as exemplified by Jesus in all His teaching activities. This literature review will elaborate on Christian religious education and its relationship with the formation of Christian faith and morals, as well as the theological foundation of the teaching task and calling. Based on inductive research into the Gospels, it can be concluded that the teaching activities of Jesus Christ can serve as a model and example for contemporary Christian educators and Christian religious education teachers. He taught professionally, employing various creative, diverse, and contextually relevant methods and approaches to engage His audience and achieve holistic learning outcomes, encompassing cognitive, affective, and psychomotor aspects. He taught with divine authority and credibility, and His life aligned with His teachings. In summary, contemporary Christian educators, including Christian religious education teachers, can draw inspiration from the teaching practices of Jesus Christ, striving to teach professionally, creatively, and authentically, and to lead lives that reflect the teachings they impart, guided by the Holy Spirit, for the holistic development of their students' faith and morals.


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How to Cite
Hudianto, S., Stevanus, K., & Lie-Lie, T. (2023). TEACHING PROFESSIONALLY WITH DIVINE AUTHORITY BY REFLECTING ON JESUS ​​AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION FOR TODAY’S TEACHERS. BONAFIDE: Jurnal Teologi Dan Pendidikan Kristen, 4(2), 275-294. https://doi.org/10.46558/bonafide.v4i2.139