Tinjauan Buku: Apologetika bagi Kemuliaan Allah
The science of apologetics in the concept of Christian faith is very much needed. Every Christian is obliged to account for his faith correctly according to the truth in the Bible. But not all Christians are able to account for their faith properly. For this reason, John M. Frame's review in this book is very appropriate for helping Christians when facing questions or giving answers to any difficult questions related to the existence of God or God's revelation stated in the Bible. And provide the correct method or way of proof in dialogue with people who need explanations.
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Colin Brown. 2001. Filsafat & Iman Kristen 2. Surabaya: Momentum.
Frame, John. 2009. Apologetika bagi Kemuliaan Allah. Surabaya: Penerbit Momentum (Momentum Christian Literature.
Gerald R. McDermott. 2001. Mengenali 12 Tanda Kerohanian Sejati. Yogyakarta: ANDI.
Horton, Michael. 2011. The Christian Faith (A systematic Theology for Pilgrims On the Way). Michigan: Zondervan.
James P. Ware. 2011. Paul and the Mission of the Church. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Akademic.
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Smith, Mark S. 2002. The Early History of God: Yahweh and the Deities in Ancient Israel. Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.B. Eerdmann Publishing Company.
Stanly J. Grenz. 2000. Theology for The Community of God. Grand Rapids, Michigan: W.B. Eerdmann Publishing Company.
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